design in the fifth dimension

  • "Design in the fifth dimension" is a phrase I embrace wholeheartedly, symbolizing my research-driven approach where concept is king. This phrase was inspired by a university professor who recognized my strong ability to think conceptually. It signifies my method of creating with intention, ensuring every element serves a purpose whether it be a fact, idea, form, function, or impact. By drawing on a rich web of connections, I craft solutions where concept is intricately woven into every stage, from initial research to the final deployment.

  • With a foundation in graphic design and 3D fabrication, I carry a versatile skill set. My expertise extends from thorough research and crafting viable solutions to ensuring aesthetically pleasing project outcomes. I possess fundamental skills in video and sound editing, basic 3D modeling, and an insatiable desire to expand my knowledge and capabilities.

  • Beyond my professional pursuits, I'm an introvert and an absolute nerd. Currently, I'm dedicating myself to learning Spanish, motivated by the love for my fiancée. As a hobby, I indulge in studying Zoology. Strike up a conversation about "toxicognaths," and you'll see a more sociable side of me emerge—an aspect of my personality that surprises even those who know me well.